Beanie’s Birthday Bash – Part Three

On the third day we’d planned to climb Ben Nevis. Not all the way to the top – just to the half way lochan at around 700 metres. We were camped at the foot of the mountain and it filled the windows of our caravan. How could we go home without checking out the views? However, when we woke on Saturday morning all we could see was mist and driving rain. The forecasts didn’t give us much hope of it drying up before nightfall so we decided to have a bit of a lazy day with just a trail run in the afternoon.

We found a nice little forest trail nearby with a large, hilly section of ancient woodland. There were spectacular views of the mountains but unfortunately we didn’t see much thanks to the rain! Once again, our legs felt like lead and we were both pretty relieved that the Ben Nevis walk had been rained off – I think we’d have struggled!

Here’s a little video clip of the run.

The day may have been somewhat low-key but that doesn’t mean it was completely uneventful. While relaxing after the run, Biggles decided to reverse up to Paul and purge his anal glands on his T-shirt. The resulting stink was so bad that even Biggles himself flashed Paul a look that said “Ugh! Dad you smell BAD!” Needless to say we made use of the on-site laundrette that evening.