Green Peril

If you Google “dog frozen peas” – as I did moments before our latest emergency trip to the vet – you’ll find a number of articles telling you that peas, whether frozen or fresh, are a harmless and even beneficial human food that you can share with your dog. Those articles don’t go really go into specifics about how many peas are OK, but I’m guessing that a cup or small bowlful of peas would fine. I’m also guessing that consuming nearly one tenth of the dog’s body weight in peas in one sitting would be a “no-no”. Nevertheless that’s exactly what Beanie did.


I’d just brought Beanie & Biggles back from our run on the beach. They’d done nearly 10km with me, plus a short and fun-filled off-lead sprint on their own, and boy were they ready for their breakfast! Still soaked in sweat, I put the usual amount of Burns Alert into their bowls, then added a bit more because they’d earned it. As routine demands, as soon as I exited the kitchen Biggles woofed and boinged up so high that his nose touched mine, while Beanie ran to her customary position in the hall and plonked her bum firmly on the floor to wait. I served up their nosh, made them wait briefly, then said “OK, take it!” and the feeding frenzy began. About this time Susan called me over to her office to look at a training video on YouTube, so I left the two Beaglets to munch their way through the food.

About three minutes later the YouTube video ended and in the silence I became aware that some kind of munching was still in progress. It normally takes only 30 seconds for a bowlful of Burns to be emptied, so I went to investigate and found Beanie in the lounge with the remnants of a huge bag of frozen peas that Susan had been using to treat one of her training injuries. Beanie was behaving like a junkie in withdrawal; she was shaking and shivering and trying desperately to get the last few peas as I took them from her. I picked her up to warm her but her shivering grew more violent and she couldn’t settle in any position. What’s more, she was horribly bloated; her abdomen was fully twice its normal width. It looked like she’d swallowed two soccer balls whole! Susan called the vet and surprisingly enough they told us to bring her in..

I sat in the car with Biggles while Beanie waddled into the vet with Susan. They got an examination room by the window so I was able to watch some of the proceedings. I can’t lip read but from past experience and the nodding and shaking of Susan’s head I could pretty much guess the conversation.

“She ate how many peas?”

“One kilo”

“And she didn’t eat anything else that could be dangerous? Nothing jagged or sharp? And she didn’t eat the packet?”

“Nope. Just her breakfast. And the peas.”

Susan and Beanie then disappeared from view for a few minutes and I shuffled into a more comfortable position in my seat, ready for a long wait. I couldn’t help chuckling to myself when I thought of how eating all those peas had clearly distressed Beanie, yet she’d still been so keen to finish the packet. I’m the same when I have one of those thick, super-chilled milkshakes out of McDonald’s; the ice-cream headache certainly hurts, but I just have to keep chugging on that drinking straw.

About ten minutes later Susan emerged from the practice, bringing with her a slightly groggy but far, far thinner version of The Beanster. As expected the vet had induced vomiting and Beanie, though very keen to hang on to her precious cache of peas, had finally succumbed to the medication. The vet now had a plentiful supply of thawed, intact and undigested peas to supplement her lunchtime repast. And contrary to Susan’s assurances, she also had a substantial portion of the bag they’d originally been packaged in. What’s more, my wallet had lost a bit of weight too.


Despite her misadventure The Pupplet still can’t resist the lure of frozen peas

EDIT: We just received a picture taken by the vet during the pea recovery process:

may 2013 230

This is typical Beanie; absorbent pads have been put down but our little girl is clearly doing her best to miss them and dump her peas (and earlier kibble breakfast) onto the floor. Nice!

7 Replies to “Green Peril”

  1. Julie, JB & Cassie's Mum

    Have you seen the website Beagles on the Web? It’s an American site, about two beagles, Stanley and Sherman, who live in New Jersey. They have a feature called Daily Digital, where Laurie takes a photograph and relates the story behind it. The other day it featured the boys having peas as a treat at dinner time (not as many as Beanie though!). There’s also discussion days between regular subscribers to the website and it’s really useful sometimes to exchange thoughts and ideas on things Beagley!

  2. Paul Post author

    Thanks Julie – just checked out that site and really enjoyed it. Looks like their Beagles are *almost* as naughty as ours!

  3. Cathy, Gomez, Lily & Mr. Peabz

    Paul, I checked out your site at Julie’s suggestion posted on Beagles on the Web, and I just love your two cheeky monkeys. You’ve also inspired me to start running with my beagles

    My 13″ girl has earned the nickname “The Loaf” as a result of repeated incidents involving loaves of bread left on the counter. The pics of Beanie reaching for the peas really struck a chord!

  4. Kaye - Bode's mum

    Hello – I’m another crossover from the Daily Digital (the Kramer beagles)! Your pups are adorable. Our troublemaker would have been doing his best to re-eat the peas once they re-emerged at the vet’s office.

  5. Beaglemom to Ben and Tito

    I love your blog! Your beagles are beautiful and very lucky!

    I am also a crossover from “The Daily Digital.” So glad to have found your blog :)

    We also love exchanging beagle stories over at
    Beagle lovers from all over the globe!

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