Something is definitely going on between Monkey and Beanie, and due to the huge age gap it is somewhat reminiscent of the Jason & Gary sketches in Little Britain.
In doggy terms Beanie is probably old enough to be Monkey’s great-great grandma but it’s clear he fancies her, and it’s a two-way thing. More than once I’ve caught them intently sniffing inside each other’s crates, Beanie openly twerks at Monkey, and on walks its not unsual to find Monkey’s nose glued to Beanie’s bum. Fortunately there hasn’t been any really unseemly hank-panky yet, but it wouldn’t surprise me if one day I walk in on Beanie giving Monkey a thorough humping. It would definitely be that way around, because in our experience of Beagles it’s always the girl who does the humping.
Changing the subject, it’s like someone flicked a switch and we instantaneously moved to Autumn, but just before September ended we got a last taste of summer, and here are the pics to prove it.
And finally: when a 17kg monster Beagle engages in a tug game with a 9.3kg pip-squeak Beagle, who do you think’s going to win?
Yep that’s right – always bet on the pip-squeak!